Sunday, January 15, 2012

Toadflax/Snapdragons ~ Where to find these seeds?

Here in the Phoenix area, I havent been able to find any seeds. Im look'g for particular varieties that accord'g to my High Country Gardens magazine will grow here.

Any ideas where I could find them? Or does any1 have any to send me?
Toadflax/Snapdragons ~ Where to find these seeds?
I have to go to our hardware/garden store tomorrow to buy some dirt (I know -- it sounds dumb to buy dirt, but you know how it goes...). Anyway, I have seen toadflax and snapdragon seeds for sale there before. I'll check what's available and get back to you tomorrow by editing my answer. Then if you want 'em we can figure out how to get them to you. Going to write myself a reminder note now.

Bridget, I checked at our local Redwood Barn and Ace Hardware %26amp; Garden. They didn't have any Toadflax seed. They had two types of Snapdragon "blends", Magic Carpet and Tall Maximum packaged by Botanical Interests. Neither package said what types of snapdragons were in the blends. Let me know if you want me to send them and how many.
Reply:walmart, albertsons, burpee seed co.

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